Thursday 13 January 2011


Hehehe ni bukan kek besday aku...tapi kaler dgn nombor tu dah sama dah..... Aku cilok ket internet...sebab kek besday aku tak de lagi...(macam nak ada jer?) Tahun lepas aku buat goody bag bg kat budak2 tapi tahun ni rasanya nak buat lain sikit. perancangan dah ada dalam kepala ni sejak pertengahan Dis 2010 lagi cuma tak nak excited takut xjadi (sebab selalu kuarga aku kalo dah rancang awal sampai masa nanti ada jer benda yg halang...macam masalah lain plak datang. Contohnya masa ulang tahun aku yang ke-22 yg mana aku dgn adik aku sakit teruk)...
Tapi masalahnya kena gak rancang kalau nak benda tu jadi...keje part time pun ak dah apply cuti. Udahlah tahun lepas nak pose tak dapat harap2 tahun ni dapatlah aku pose sebab kata Ustazah Siti Nor Bahyah seelok-eloknya kita berpuasa pada ulang tahun kelahiran kita...
Nanti kalau benda yg aku dah rancangkan berhasil jadi kenyataan aku akan citerkan kat entri yang lain...amin....minta2 jadilah....kat bawah ni kek utk kawan baik aku masa sekolah (still contact lagi) sebab tarikh lahir kita orang sama!!! Apa lagi yg sama yer...setakat kali terakhir aku jumpa dia dah pakai spek mata, umo sama (ada gak tarikh sama tahun lain kan...) dan kita orang still.....enjoy our life with family and friends....ala kira single mingle lagi ler. So ni wish utk dia...
I waited another 365 days, just to say...........HAPPY Birthday!
It's our day b'coz we share the date!!!
lawa kan...

Life gives birth to happiness

Clouds give birth to tantalizing droplets of rain;
pacifying the murderous agony of scorching desertsands,
Rose gives birth to stupendously ravishing fragrance;
casting a spell of unconquerable happiness in thoselives;
deluged with horrendous despair,
Sun gives birth to magnificently flamboyant rays;
filtering a path of profuse optimism in every space;
tottering towards helpless extinction,
Soil gives birth to rhapsodic fountains of fruit and water;
ensuring that none remained disastrouslyfamished;
for centuries immemorial,
Ocean gives birth to tantalizingly tangy globules ofsalt;
inundating drab existence with cloudbursts ofspice and insurmountable poignancy,
Stars give birth to an incredulously serene calm;
miraculously metamorphosing the complexion of theghastly night;
into one shimmering with milky pearls,
Leaves give birth to exuberantly fluttering breeze;
enveloping dreary souls in its ebulliently vociferousswirl;
as it merrily whipped by,
Benevolence gives birth to invincible humanity;
incessantly reigning as the supreme leader;
even asthe planet entangled in webs of lechery and salaciousmalice,
Freedom gives birth to the innermost expression;
themesmerizing fulmination of a persons senses;
which propels him to blissfully lead an infinite more lives,
Mother gives birth to the perpetually divine;
theimmaculately wailing offspring for which;
God’sspecially descended down from fathomless cosmos tobless,
Truth gives birth to harmonious unity;
organisms fromall across the unfathomable planet;
embracing eachother irrespective of prejudice;
caste or creed,
Honesty gives birth to intransigent conviction;
anastronomical within the most feeble of entities;
tocatapult to the pinnacle of ultimate success,
Fantasy gives birth to turbulently seductive desire;
relentlessly exploring and absorbing the unsurpassablebeauty lingering on this planet,
Perseverance gives birth to glorious rays of newness;
evolving and achieving even the most inconspicuous ofyour philanthropic dream;
as golden perspirationtrickled under the sweltering Sun,
Faith gives birth to the incomprehensiblyunbelievable;
with man successfully shooting to thesummit of the impossible;
uttering the name of theentity he adored,
Conscience gives birth to irrefutable righteousness;
which the even the entire wealth on this spuriouslybombastic world;
miserably failed to purchase,
Eyes give birth to profoundly caressing empathy;
wholeheartedly commiserating and bonding;
with eventhe most remotest of alien in devastating pain,
Love gives birth to indispensably precious survival;
the everlasting spirit to celestially exist;
beyondones ordinary time,
And life gives birth to perennial happiness;
anunconquerably sacred joy and bliss that makes eachbirth;
exist in symbiotic synergy with the bountifullydivine…
org yg buat poem ni....
Nikhil Parekh

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