Sunday 2 September 2012


Tambahan dari entri sebelum ini,

  1. Cacophobia – Fear of ugliness.
  2. Cainophobia – Fear of newness, novelty.
  3. Cainotophobia – Fear of newness, novelty.
  4. Caligynephobia – Fear of beautiful women.
  5. Cancerophobia – Fear of cancer.
  6. Carcinophobia – Fear of cancer.
  7. Cardiophobia – Fear of the heart.
  8. Carnophobia – Fear of meat.
  9. Catagelophobia – Fear of being ridiculed.
  10. Catapedaphobia – Fear of jumping from high and low places.
  11. Cathisophobia – Fear of sitting.
  12. Catoptrophobia – Fear of mirrors.
  13. Cenophobia – Fear of new things or ideas.
  14. Centophobia – Fear of new things or ideas.
  15. Ceraunophobia – Fear of thunder.
  16. Chaetophobia – Fear of hair.
  17. Cheimaphobia – Fear of cold.
  18. Cheimatophobia – Fear of cold.
  19. Chemophobia – Fear of chemicals or working with chemicals.
  20. Cherophobia – Fear of gaiety.
  21. Chionophobia – Fear of snow.
  22. Chiraptophobia – Fear of being touched.
  23. Cholerophobia – Fear of anger or the fear of cholera.
  24. Chorophobia – Fear of dancing.
  25. Chrematophobia – Fear of money.
  26. Chromatophobia – Fear of colors.
  27. Chrometophobia – Fear of money.
  28. Chromophobia – Fear of colors.
  29. Chronomentrophobia – Fear of clocks.
  30. Chronophobia – Fear of time.
  31. Cibophobia – Fear of food.
  32. Claustrophobia – Fear of confined spaces.
  33. Cleisiophobia – Fear of being locked in an enclosed place.
  34. Cleithrophobia – Fear of being enclosed.,br> Cleithrophobia – Fear of being locked in an enclosed place.,br> Cleptophobia – Fear of stealing.
  35. Climacophobia – Fear of stairs, climbing or of falling downstairs.
  36. Clinophobia – Fear of going to bed.
  37. Clithrophobia – Fear of being enclosed.
  38. Cnidophobia – Fear of strings.
  39. Coimetrophobia – Fear of cemeteries.
  40. Coitophobia – Fear of coitus.
  41. Cometophobia – Fear of comets.
  42. Contreltophobia – Fear of sexual abuse.
  43. Coprastasophobia – Fear of constipation.
  44. Coprophobia – Fear of feces.
  45. Coulrophobia – Fear of clowns.
  46. Counterphobia – The preference by a phobic for fearful situations.
  47. Cremnophobia – Fear of precipices.
  48. Cryophobia – Fear fo extreme cold, ice or frost.
  49. Crystallophobia – Fear of crystals or glass.
  50. Cyberphobia – Fear of computers or working on a computer.
  51. Cyclophobia – Fear of bicycles.
  52. Cymophobia – Fear of waves or wave like motions.
  53. Cynophobia – Fear of dogs or rabies.
  54. Cyprianophobia – Fear of prostitutes or venereal disease.
  55. Cypridophobia – Fear of prostitutes or venereal disease.
  56. Cyprinophobia – Fear of prostitutes or venereal disease.
  57. Cypriphobia – Fear of prostitutes or venereal disease.
  58. Daemonophobia – Fear of demons.
  59. Decidophobia – Fear of making decisions.
  60. Defecaloesiphobia – Fear of painful bowels movements.
  61. Deipnophobia – Fear of dining and dinner conversation.
  62. Dematophobia – Fear of skin lesions.
  63. Dementophobia – Fear of insanity.
  64. Demonophobia – Fear of demons.
  65. Demophobia – Fear of crowds.
  66. Dendrophobia – Fear of trees.
  67. Dentophobia – Fear of dentist.
  68. Dermatophathophobia – Fear of skin disease.
  69. Dermatophobia – Fear of skin disease.
  70. Dermatosiophobia – Fear of skin disease.
  71. Dextrophobia – Fear of objects at the right side of the body.
  72. Diabetophobia – Fear of diabetes.
  73. Didaskaleinophobia – Fear of going to school.
  74. Diderodromophobia – Fear of trains, railroads or train travel.
  75. Dikephobia – Fear of justice.
  76. Dinophobia – Fear of dizziness or whirlpools.
  77. Diplophobia – Fear of double vision.
  78. Dipsophobia – Fear drinking.
  79. Dishabiliophobia – Fear of undressing in front of someone.
  80. Domatophobia – Fear of houses or being in a home.
  81. Doraphobia – Fear of fur or skins of animals
  82. Dromophobia – Fear of crossing streets.
  83. Dutchphobia – Fear of the Dutch.
  84. Dysmorphophobia – Fear of deformity.
  85. Dystychiphobia – Fear of accidents.
  86. Hadephobia – Fear of hell.
  87. Hagiophobia – Fear of saints or holy things.
  88. Hamartophobia – Fear of sinning.
  89. Haphephobia – Fear of being touched.
  90. Haptephobia – Fear of being touched.
  91. Harpaxophobia – Fear of being robbed.
  92. Hedonophobia – Fear of feeling pleasure.
  93. Heliophobia – Fear of the sun.
  94. Hellenologophobia – Fear of Greek terms or complex scientific terminology.
  95. Helminthophobia – Fear of being infested with worms.
  96. Hemaphobia – Fear of blood.
  97. Hematophobia – Fear of blood.
  98. Hemophobia – Fear of blood.
  99. Hereiophobia – Fear of challenges to official doctrine or of radical deviation.
  100. Heresyphobia – Fear of challenges to official doctrine or radical deviation.
  101. Herpetophobia – Fear of reptiles or creepy, crawly things.
  102. Heterophobia – Fear of the opposite sex.
  103. Hierophobia – Fear of priest or sacred things.
  104. Hippophobia – Fear of horses.
  105. Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia – Fear of long words.
  106. Hobophobia – Fear of bums or beggars.
  107. Hodophobia – Fear of road travel.
  108. Homichlophobia – Fear of fog.
  109. Homilophobia – Fear of sermons.
  110. Hominophobia – Fear of men.
  111. Homophobia – Fear of sameness, monotony or of homosexuality or of becoming homosexual.
  112. Hoplophobia * Fear of firearms.
  113. Hormephobia – Fear of shock.
  114. Hydrargyophobia – Fear of mercuial medicines.
  115. Hydrophobia – Fear of water of of rabies.
  116. Hydrophobophobia – Fear or rabies.
  117. Hyelophobia – Fear of glass.
  118. Hygrophobia – Fear of liquids, dampness, or moisture.
  119. Hylephobia – Fear of materialism or the fear of epilepsy.
  120. Hylophobia – Fear of forests.
  121. Hynophobia – Fear of sleep or of being hypnotized.
  122. Hypegiaphobia – Fear of responsibility.
  123. Hypengyophobia – Fear of responsibility.
  124. Hypsiphobia – Fear of height.

  125. Macrophobia – Fear of long waits.
  126. Mageirocophobia *- Fear of cooking.
  127. Maieusiophobia – Fear of childbirth.
  128. Malaxophobia – Fear of love play.
  129. Maniaphobia – Fear of insanity.
  130. Mastigophobia – Fear of punishment.
  131. Mechanophobia – Fear of machines.
  132. Medomalacuphobia – Fear of losing an erection.
  133. Medorthophobia – Fear of an erect penis.
  134. Megalophobia – Fear of large things.
  135. Melanophobia – Fear of the color black.
  136. Melissophobia – Fear of bees.
  137. Melophobia – Fear of hatred or music.
  138. Meningitiophobia – Fear of brain disease.
  139. Merinthophobia – Fear of being bound or tied up.
  140. Mertophobia – Fear or hatred of poetry.
  141. Metallophobia – Fear of metal.
  142. Metathesiophobia – Fear of changes.
  143. Meterorophobia – Fear of Meteors.
  144. Methyphobia – Fear of alcohol.
  145. Microbiophobia – Fear of microbes.
  146. Microphobia – Fear of small things.
  147. Misophobia – Fear of being contaminated with dirt or germs.
  148. Mnemophobia – Fear of memories.
  149. Molysmophobia – Fear of dirt or contamination.
  150. Molysomophobia – Fear of dirt or contamination.
  151. Monopathophobia – Fear of difinite disease.
  152. Monophobia – Fear of solitude or being alone.
  153. Monophobia – Fear of menstruation.
  154. Motorphobia – Fear of automobiles.
  155. Mottophobia – Fear of moths.
  156. Murophobia – Fear of mice.
  157. Musophobia – Fear of mice.
  158. Mycophobia – Fear or aversion to mushrooms.
  159. Mycrophobia – Fear of small things.
  160. Myctophobia – Fear of darkness.
  161. Myrmecophobia – Fear of ants.
  162. Mysophobia – Fear of germs or contamination or dirt.
  163. Mythophobia – Fear of myths or stories or false statements.
  164. Myxophobia – Fear of slime.

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