Sunday 13 July 2014


6 Tips for Organizing Your Closet

Happy Friday everyone!

I don’t know about you, but after this week  I am feeling the itch to get  my SPRING CLEANING groove on! And I know just where to begin- MY CLOSET!!! It seems like my closet is the place that gets neglected the most. (Who really sees it right?) My problem is, I have a hard time letting go of my wardrobe. I am always thinking of what I could turn an old shirt into or what I could do with an earring that has lost it’s match to create new fashion and style.

But um… let’s be honest- I never find the time to execute all those ideas, resulting in a closet that should be turned into an episode of Hoarders.

So, I created a system that finally seems to help keep my closet organized and also saves me a ton of time in choosing what to wear!

Your closet holds all the possibilities of creating fabulous combinations with your wardrobe- don’t  you want to make it easy to find what you are looking for?

Here are some tips I have found to work for me:

1. Simplify.
Remember this rule: if you haven’t worn it in over a year- donate it.  Okay that is a lot easier said than done for me- but I can tell you how great it feels to clear out and make space in my closet (for possible new items?) and  it gives other people a chance to buy clothing. Remember you can also take those hardly worn items to a local consignment shop to cash in for a little extra spending money!

One additional tip is to use a different color hanger for items of clothing that you are unsure about keeping. If you don’t really wear it in 6 months- donate it!

2. Color Coordinate
It may sound a touch OCD but trust me- it will save you a ton of time! I have been color coordinating my wardrobe since the day I started to dress myself and it has been a practice that I have found really helpful when choosing what to wear. When you have your clothes hung up in similar color and style then you know right where they are ! I usually put the more basic colors (black, white, and grey) up front for easy access. It makes matching clothes a breeze!

3. Hang….but WITHOUT wire hangers.
You can hang just about everything!!!  With the exception of knits and sweaters!  It is better for those items to be folded somewhere in your closet!
And TOSS OUT YOUR WIRE HANGERS! It was the first thing I got rid of when my husband and I got married and he brought home all his clothes with wire hangers! (I think he questioned who he just married there for a moment) But wire hangers should only be used for roasting marshmallows or fishing something out of the toilet! That is it! Not to mention that they are  really hard on your clothes and are not meant for long time use.
So, if you can, invest in some nice wooden or padded hangers. Or if you think you will be hanging a lot of items pick up some plastic hangers- they usually are just barely over a dollar for 10 hangers! I also purchased these clips at Target that you can add to your hangers for skirts or pants.

3. Invest in organizing containers.
Here are some ideas.
I found this at Target and found it to make a great organizer for my tights and leggings.

I got this at Ikea and like to keep my flats and flip flip shoes in it to save space and easy access.

I got this at Target and use it to organize jewelry. I love how little room it takes up and how I can see everything at a glance! It is also double sided!

I like to put my scarves and bandanas on tie racks.

Ikea also has a great hanger with circles that you can put your scarves on. I am trading out the winter scarves with sashes and bandanas for summer!

I like to keep some of my taller and maybe more delicate shoes in clear plastic bins that I picked up at Costco.

4. Keep everything at eye level.
I am not exactly very tall and find if I put something high up on a shelf where I don’t see it- I forget it’s there! Save that out -of-reach space for storing out-of-season clothing instead. I like to keep my jeans and t-shirts folded at eye level for an easy view.

 5. Keep tabs of your favorites.
If you are the type of person who has a hard time deciding what to wear or knowing how to match your clothing- try  grouping your favorite outfits together and hang it up in a part of your closet where they are easily accessible. Then you can pre-plan for special events or for busy days.

6. Maximize your space.
I love hooks- they are not very expensive and you can put them just about anywhere in your closet. They are so perfect for hanging belts, hats, necklaces, and just about anything you want. I have a few behind the door and in areas where you would never think to put anything!  It can keep things from being left on the ground.

Hopefully this has inspired you to get started in re-working your closet space and therefore, re-working your wardrobe! Now I am off to finish organizing and de-cluttering!
What are your secrets to organizing your closet?

Better mothers, better wives, better women. 
For more tips come visit me at


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