Saturday 1 August 2015


Ini chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream and buah buahan obersea..
Red velvet cake with cream cheese... ramai kastemer kate red velvet datin takde sapa leh lawan.
Victoria sandwich cake... nak bolat pon boleh... ni queen segala queen nye kek.
Carrot cake with cream cheese  & kalau nak bulat pon boleh
chocolate brownies with nutella drizzle
Chocolate chip muffin.
Chocolate moist cake with buttercream and chocolate ganache
Nampak caramel leleh tu.Pastu cream dia creamcheese... ni caramel cake..
Tengok kat FB kawan sekolah aku macam best je kek dia...macam sedap jer...macam nak try jer...macam nak order untuk raya jer....dan setelah perbincangan antara adik-beradik dijalankan, kita orang order kek ini: 







Kek Red Velvet
Chocolate moist cake with buttercream and chocolate ganache
tapi Chocolate moist cake ni asalnya aku nak order yang ada caramel tu....tapi pemegang syer yang sorang lagi tak nak...huhuhu. Thanks tu my friend Sarah Shazlin by Purple Love Cupcakes

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